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A user wants to create watermarked renditions of only some of the assets in AEM Assets. Which workflow strategy should be used to achieve this goal?
Answer: C
A creative agency submits proofs for review to stakeholders from multiple companies on a regular basis prior to releasing final assets the creative agency only requires one decision from a company prior to releasing a final asset.
Before the proofs are sent to the stakeholders, the creative director must review the proof. Since this is a standard workflow used for the majority of the work, a proofing workflow template can be set up to expedite the proof approval.
In which two ways may this proofing workflow template be set up? (Choose two)
Answer: B,C
In this scenario, the proofing workflow needs two stages:
Stage 1: This stage routes the proof to the creative director upon proof creation. By selecting "do not allow this stage to be deleted," the workflow ensures that the creative director must always review the proof before it is sent to stakeholders. This ensures consistency in the review process and makes sure the creative director is always involved.
Stage 2: This stage activates when all decisions are made on the parent stage (i.e., the creative director's approval). Additionally, since the creative agency only requires one decision from each company, the "only one decision required" setting is appropriate to speed up the process while ensuring the necessary approvals are gathered.
Option B is incorrect because setting the stage as private may hinder collaboration, and Option C suggests waiting until all decisions are approved, which is not necessary in this scenario.
Refer to Workfront documentation on proofing workflows for details on setting up multi-stage approval processes.
An implementation consultant wants to configure the enhanced connector inside a customer's Adobe Experience Manager environment. The customer needs the following functionality, automatic creation of project linked folders, comments syncing, and the automatic publishing of assets. How should the consultant navigate to the enhanced connector configuration screens?
Answer: C
To configure the Enhanced Connector in AEM, including features like automatic project-linked folder creation, comment syncing, and automatic publishing of assets, you should navigate to:
Tools > Workfront Tools > Workfront Tools Configuration: This is where you can access and configure the connector settings within AEM. From there, selecting the configuration and choosing Properties in the action bar allows you to adjust the required settings.
Options B and C reference incorrect paths (Cloud Services and Assets), which are not used for the Enhanced Connector configuration.
Refer to AEM's Enhanced Connector documentation for step-by-step instructions on accessing and configuring the connector.
An implementation consultant needs to configure metadata mapping between Adobe Workfront custom form fields and Adobe Experience Manager metadata properties. Which Iwo types of custom forms can the implementation consultant use to define these mappings? (Choose two)
Answer: C,D
When configuring metadata mapping between Adobe Workfront custom form fields and Adobe Experience Manager metadata properties, you can use Issue and Document custom forms to define these mappings. These types of forms are commonly used for tracking and managing work items and documents, both of which need to have their metadata synchronized between the two systems.
Issue custom forms: Used for tracking work requests, such as issues or tasks.
Document custom forms: Specifically used for managing metadata related to documents, which can be mapped directly to AEM assets.
Options C (Portfolio) and D (Program) are not typically used for metadata mapping related to assets or documents.
Refer to Workfront Enhanced Connector documentation for more information on mapping custom forms to AEM metadata properties.
An implementation consultant is preparing to configure the enhanced connector between AEM and Workfront. As part of this, the consultant needs to make sure the firewall is properly configured.
Which two critical processes utilized by the enhanced connector does this allow? (Choose two.)
Answer: A,B
To ensure proper functioning of the Enhanced Connector between AEM and Workfront, it is critical that the firewall allows traffic for Event Subscriptions and Webhooks:
Event Subscriptions: These are necessary for synchronizing events between Workfront and AEM, such as when assets are modified or when metadata is updated.
Webhooks: Webhooks enable real-time data exchange and notifications between the two systems, allowing instant updates to flow between Workfront and AEM.
Option A (Experience Manager Workflows) is relevant within AEM but not directly tied to firewall configuration for the connector. Option B (Single Sign-On) is a security feature but not specifically tied to the Enhanced Connector's data synchronization processes.
Refer to the Workfront Enhanced Connector documentation for details on the processes that rely on Event Subscriptions and Webhooks.
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